it’s wednesday. not the weekend.
damnit beth. i just bought
a six-pack of george killian’s
i actually saw sad before. in words.
i saw her laying on the floor.
next to me. as i read her quietly.
leaning against the couch. lifting a
glass of wine to her mouth. as she
shouted how she hated me.
touching. then inhaling.
begging. then crying.
a crook. who repents.
in the robbed. smoke-filled.
brooklyn apartment.
crinkled. crumbled.
waste basket. shot.
not empty. but filled.
with sad.
helping me realize the
should-haves and what-ifs.
sexy calves to mid-drift.
a stream running.
over smoothed rocks. forming
bumps from under. drowning pollywogs.
numb. idle. this prosaic.
emotions stacked. like the dishes
in the drying rack.